Jake JeongA Full-Stack Developer

Hi there! I build modern websites that follow latest trends and technologies. I am based in California, United States.

Jake Jeong's Portrait picture
Hello, I’m Jake!
I am looking for Software Intern position in Summer 2024. As a veteran and recent graduate at University of California Riverside, I bring a unique blend of discipline and teamwork skills. I have a strong foundation for full stack development. I am proficient in React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. I am excited to leverage my skills and experience to contribute to a dynamic team. I am eager to take on new challenges, drive innovation, and deliver impactful results. Let’s connect and explore how my background and skills align with the needs of your team.

My Projects

My Skills

My Experiences


U.S. Army

I was a combat medic specialist in the U.S. Army. I conducted training sessions for non medical individuals. I served for 18 months and medically & honorably discharged from service due to a training accident.


Bachelor of Arts Economics. University of California

Riverside, CA

I have a bachelor of arts in Economics. I studied game theory, econometrics, stock market and financial analysis. My major required me to be proficient at calculus and statistics as well

2019 - 2023

Software Engineer

Irvine, CA

I build Websites. My stack includes React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Prisma and PostgreSQL. I'm open to full-time opportunities.

2023 - 2024

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at jake.y.jeong.dev@gmail.com or through this form.
